Everything You Need to Know:
In Locos Luxury, we believe that honesty is the best policy! That’s why we make the most generous, fair and transparent store policy for our customers. Read the following to find out more about how we ship, exchange products, and how to make a cancelation, or about how we secure your personal data. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and or concerns!
Everything You Need to Know:
This is our Return Policy Section. Unfortunately, we currently do not accept refunds.
You can request a cancelation by email or DM
Our email:
Our Instagram: LocosLuxury
When requesting a cancelation make sure to leave your name, date of purchase, email, and items you purchased
Another way to request a cancelation: our home page has a customer contact section where you can leave your name, address, email, phone, and subject of the message when you can title "CANCELATION"
*If there is wrong with an order w/ lashes or lip glosses, etc. don't hesitate to contact us!*